Starting the Journey, Goals & More

To start out on this journey I want to set a few goals, milestones to achieve along my journey, which should keep me motivated and help me to stick this plan for 12 months and beyond.

July 2014 was my 34th birthday, my overall goal is to make a transformation for my 35th birthday, by increasing muscle mass and overall strength.

I find that weight loss is a lot easier to track than muscle gains, my plan is to focus on my strength gains while monitoring my weight and in time I should see the difference in muscle gains.

To start I am going to split-up my 12 months into 3 periods:

1st Period 
July thru December 2014
Goal: 10 Reps for all.
1 - Bench 225lbs
2 - Incl DB Press 70
3 - EZ-Curl 90lbs
4 - DB Curl 50lbs
5 - Squat 225lbs
6 - Deadlift 275lbs
2nd Period
January thru March 2015
Goal: 3 sets of 10 Reps for all.
1 - Bench 225lbs
2 - Incl DB Press 70
3 - EZ-Curl 90lbs
4 - DB Curl 50lbs
5 - Squat 225lbs
6 - Deadlift 275lbs
3rd Period
April thru July 2015

1. Gain 10+ lbs of Muscle
2. Visible Muscle Definition
3. Body weight 205 lbs or less

Goal Physique:

Based on the highly scientific chart I found online (jk), I have been a "Fat as Fatass" currently "skinny fat" my goal/ideal physique would be "athletic". I need to pack-on some muscle mass.

Join me on this journey, check out my blog posts for: workouts, diet plans and more!